coming soon:
Kilobaser Multi-Rack
The high throughput solution for fastest DNA probe synthesis
Kilobaser MultiRack is designed to provide laboratories with high demand for DNA probes with the easiest and fastest procurement option. Our patented cartridge and microfluidic chip technology allows simultaneous synthesis of up to 6 different labeled DNA oliogos within 2 hours.
Status Quo
So far, the workflow of DNA probe synthesis for multiplex PCR with Kilobaser one-XT is fairly simple and already works much faster than conventional DNA probe procurement routes. However, the current problem is that different DNA probes can only be synthesized sequentially and require cartridge swapping. Therefore, at the time being, synthesizing up to 6 differently labeled DNA probes takes about 24 hours.
We can do better!
improve your workflow in terms of:
offline data storage
Turnaround Time
Status Tracking
High Throughput
only 3 steps
Make it yours
Combine our patented reagent cartridges and microfluidic chips for custom modified oligos. We are constantly developing new products to meet your needs.
Soon available: SIMA (HEX) reagent cartridge
Can't wait?
Our development team is currently working at full speed to enable the planned product launch.
Learn more about Kilobaser MultiRack and its possibilities in your lab in an exclusive online demo!

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