Quality Reports

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Get the latest research insights and expert analysis on DNA synthesis with Kilobaser one and Kilobaser one-XT – download our quality reports here.

Quality Report of phosphorylated oligonucleotides synthesized by Kilobaser one-XT

This report discusses the quality of phosphorylated DNA strands synthesized by Kilobaser one-XT for short inserts in ligation reactions and analyzes the quality and quantity of synthesized strands.

Quality Report of 100mer DNA strands synthesized by Kilobaser one-XT

Here, we present the synthesis and application of a 100mer oligonucleotide. It was successfully used as a template for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), confirming that its quantity and quality are well suited for PCR.

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Oskar Bodendorfer, Sales Manager at Kilobaser
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